Friday, June 02, 2006

Still good, but...

(Pictures above: The first one is one of my roommates, David, napping on the way home from work in the ambulance that we ride in. My other roommate's name is Angela--a fellow Marquette alumni...small world! The second picture is a flooded home in one of the communites that we work with named San Augustin. It flooded in October due to tropical storm Stan. Yes, that's right, October! The next picture is lago de Suchitlan in Suchitoto where I live. El Salvador truly is breathtaking...The last picture are 3 of the 4 artists who I am working with in the implementation of workshops. Roberto, Franklin, and Pedrito--3 of the coolest, passionate, real men that I've met!)

So, I´m still happy to be in El Salvador, but the reality is setting in. The organization that I am working with is undergoing major changes which makes for a tense atmosphere. I really love my coworkers, and it looks like I won't be working with them after June 30...a big disappointment. On the bright side, I'm enjoying what I'm doing right now, in the moment. I'm working with a group of artists/musicians who are part of a group called COOPARTE. All local extremely talented, intelligent, passionate group. The name of the music group is Yolocamba Ita...their music is spectacular...The kind of music that makes you feel and gives you chills. We're doing workshops with children in 3 communities.

I feel at times that I've been given a gift to be exposed to such good people. I'm learning so much. About El Salvador, the struggle of the people, corruption, inequity, politics, the reality of the NGO world...I'm also learning about myself, and how sometimes I just need to let things go and again remind myself that I can't save the world...but I can try, and surround myself with people who believe in the same ideals and together we can work together towards a better world.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now! I'm exhausted from heat, travel, and work with the kids so I'm having trouble really making sense of what I'm saying here. Un abrazo muy fuerte á todos!


Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.